Magical Tips & Tricks to Ensure Your Prospects Comes To See Your Network Marketing Business Opportunity Plan.


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Learning the Trick of Invitation is Really important for you to have long term Business in Network Marketing opportunity. There are a few things you need to consider before you  inviting your prospects. I will be sharing Some Important Tricks for Inviting your prospects for the network marketing business opportunity.

It’s so frustrating when you invite a prospect to a presentation and they don’t show up! It happens to all of us.

Even if you use attraction marketing and other techniques to quality MLM prospects, the next step of inviting your leads to an event is crucial to your business success.
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I can’t tell how many times I’ve invited someone to a meeting, online presentation or phone appointment and they don’t bother showing up! Not even a message saying they can’t make it!

Inviting prospects in network marketing is a skill that anyone can learn. In this post, I have some strategies that will help you get more people to your MLM plan.

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1 - Don't talk unnecessary stuff while inviting the prospect.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is talking too much during the inviting phase. Don’t give it all away, that’s what the next appointment is for!

Your eager prospect may also be impatient and ask you what it is.

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Don’t let that throw you off. You don’t want to give it all away before the presentation or event.

Remember, you have an amazing opportunity that can’t be easily explained in detail in a brief discussion.

Stand your ground and be in control. Let the person know that they will learn all the details at the meeting or in the video you’ll send to them.

Keep your MLM prospect excited by letting them know that what you have has changed thousands of lives and can possibly change theirs too!

Always remember your purpose for the invite phase is scheduling some focused time to go over the information.

I would ask you to check the meaning of the word “Invitation” in the dictionary.

It only says “inviting someone”.
I see many people giving unnecessary information to the prospects while they invite.

Telling the company name, products, a business plan is totally not recommended while you are inviting your prospects.

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2-  Invite using Mobile or Apps

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Did you know that most network marketers who get leads never call them? That’s right. Getting prospects on the phone is scary to a lot of people.

Maybe they don’t know what to say.So the phone method becomes ineffective for many people.

On the other hand, texting is an easier way to connect with people. You can have more control over what goes into the message and you can be a little more detached from it.
That’s where Facebook Messenger comes in. You can easily send a Facebook message to anyone that you’ve already connected with on Facebook.

Keep it short and to the point. And remember, some people will just ignore you altogether!

Put those people on a list to connect with again at a later date.

Keep your message short and to the point. Let them know that you have something to share.
Use language like “If I, would you?”

For example, “if I send you a video, would you watch it?”

They may say YES!

That’s when you can send a video link that helps educate them about your business.

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Remember, it’s not about convincing people to join your business. It’s about educating them to learn whether it’s a good fit for them.

You can even start using automated Facebook messages to send to subscribers. By sending short, more personal messages, you can reach more people and develop a rapport with them.

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It’s always better to use a mobile phone for inviting your prospects, rather than trying to invite them face to face.

I try to invite them face to face, prospect always tries to take as much information from you, and you will not be able to provide many details then & there.

When you invite prospects on the phone & then they ask question/queries, you can simply ask them to meet you & discuss the things more professionally over a table.

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3-Follow A Leader Or Mentor

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Over the years, I’ve had many mentors depending on where I was in my MLM business. If someone is successful, learning from them Is the best thing you can do.
It can cut down your learning curve with all aspects of building your MLM business. From learning about attraction marketing to inviting prospects, a mentor will help you learn what to do.

These days you can find a good mentor anywhere thanks to the Internet. One of the best decisions I made was to join My Lead System Pro.

There are hundreds of education videos and webinars on different techniques to build your network marketing online.

MLSP has been a wonderful resource for me to learn different methods to attract people online and invite them to what I have to offer.

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As a result I’ve built a successful business with thousands of customers and leads.

Learning how to present to others through webinars, conversation, blog posts and videos has been a blessing.


Mastering the network marketing invitation skill is a must to grow your business. I gave you a few key tips on inviting that have worked for me.

Being detached from the outcome was one of the most important skills I learned. Before that I was way too emotional and took it personally. That didn’t work at all!

The next important step I took was to get an MLSP membership.

Not only do I get a quality education on the skills I need to grow my business, but I am in a community of the most helpful awesome people ever!